Emergency Dentistry in Fairfax

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What is emergency dentistry?

If you're suffering from severe pain, a toothache, or a dental injury, you can receive immediate dental care with emergency dentistry. The main goal of emergency dental treatment is to relieve patient's pain, and get them back to a healthy oral state. Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, which is why Healthy Smiles Dentistry provides same-day, after-hours, and weekend emergency appointments in Fairfax, so you can get the emergency dental care you need, when you need it.

emergency dentist in Fairfax

Did you know…

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Kids and adults lose over 5 million teeth every year!

In need of emergency care in Fairfax?

Call (703) 915-7330 today!


Emergency Exam

Limited Exam
Treatment Plan

Find a solution to your dental emergency

No one plans to have a dental emergency. and that's why we offer affordable emergency dental exams, so you don't need to wait to get the care you need to relieve your dental pain.

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What to do in a dental emergency

Fairfax emergency dentist

Stay Calm

If you experience some sort of dental trauma or dental problem, the best thing you can do is to stay calm. While you may feel inclined to panic due to the pain and stress of an injury, you can take comfort in the knowledge that nearly any dental issue can be addressed, treated, and resolved by a emergency dentist in Fairfax . Our team is here to help get you back to a healthy, pain-free smile with emergency dental services.

Emergency dentist in Fairfax

Control Swelling & Pain

Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help to temporarily reduce tooth pain and swelling. However, steer clear of any blood-thinning medications like aspirin, because they prevent clotting, making it difficult to stop the blood flow. Additionally, an ice pack or cold compress can be applied to the cheek near the affected area to help reduce pain and inflammation for a short period of time.

emergency dentistry in Fairfax, VA

Call Us Right Away

Time is crucial in a dental emergency. As soon as you've regained control of your situation, give us a call! Our team is standing by to help assess the severity of your dental injury and get you the urgent dental care you need in Fairfax right away.

The importance of prompt emergency care

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Same-Day Dental Care

Get the care you need right away with same-day emergency care. During your visit, your emergency dentist will perform an examination to assess your dental injury and create an immediate plan to get your smile back in shape that very same day. Don't wait to schedule an appointment with Healthy Smiles Dentistry. Any delay will prolong your pain, and, in some cases, lead to you needing more complex procedures that are both more invasive and expensive. We also offer sedation dentistry to help manage your tooth pain.

After Hours Appointments

Dental emergencies often occur outside of regular business hours. For patients experiencing emergencies that can't wait to be treated, we provide after-hours care to ensure you receive the immediate treatment you deserve. If you are experiencing a dental emergency beyond our usual hours, don't hesitate to call our Fairfax dental office to schedule a visit. We'll do everything we can to help alleviate your pain and restore the functionality of your smile as soon as we can.

Weekend Appointments

If you experience a dental emergency over the weekend, you don't have to wait in pain until Monday. By offering limited weekend availability and appointments by request, you can get the care you need when you need it. Get in touch with us for more information.

Common Emergency Procedures

When you arrive at our office, Dr. Doshi will assess the situation and provide you with their recommended treatment options. As an example, a damaged, decayed, or broken tooth can be brought back to health with a dental crown. A toothache can have several causes, and if an underlying infection is causing your oral pain, root canal therapy may be the best option for you.

Tooth splinting is another common restorative dentistry procedure, and can be used to stabilize a loose or knocked-out tooth and allow for proper healing. We try to avoid tooth extractions if possible, but they can be a necessary procedure in some cases in which a patient is experiencing a severe tooth damage that can't otherwise be fixed. Call today if you are experiencing any common dental emergency that may require a tooth extraction. 

Did you know…

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Place a knocked-out tooth in a container of cold milk to preserve the root while you head to your emergency appointment.

Need an appointment right away in Fairfax?

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Have questions about emergency dentistry? Find answers here.

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What should I do if I’ve knocked out a tooth?

If you knock out a tooth, the first step is to try and remain calm. If you can find it, recover your tooth by grabbing it by its top, or crown, instead of by the bottom, or root, to prevent further damage. Then, gently rinse the tooth with warm water. Once it is clean, replace the tooth back in its socket if possible. However, be careful not to force the tooth back in place. If necessary, you can place the tooth in a container of cold milk to keep it from drying out while you are heading to your emergency appointment.

If you are facing a serious dental emergency, don't wait to call your Fairfax emergency dentist. Although you may be focused on alleviating pain, a knocked-out tooth only has a short window of 1-2 hours in which it can be saved, replaced, and splinted by your dentist. Give us a call right away for guidance, then head to our office to get the emergency care you need.

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What should I do if my dental work has fallen out?

If your dental crown , filling , bridge, or other appliance falls out, place your dental work in a container or plastic bag and keep it safe so you can bring it to your next dental visit. Give us a call right away to schedule an emergency dental service visit so we can treat your issue as soon as possible.

When you lose a dental appliance, your teeth and gums can become exposed to bacteria. This may cause an infection, further tooth decay or damage, and lead to even more issues in the future. A loose, broken, or missing dental appliance is considered a dental emergency and warrants a same-day appointment, so get in touch with us as soon as you notice that something's wrong to schedule a visit.

What should I do about a severe toothache?

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If you're suffering from a severe toothache and it lasts for several days, it could be caused by a tooth infection. A tooth infection is a serious dental emergency, but fortunately, root canal therapy can be used to restore and revitalize your tooth, and relieve your oral pain. 

If you're experiencing a lasting toothache, find an emergency dentist near you. To soothe your discomfort in the meantime, apply a cold compress to your cheek, take over-the-counter pain relievers, or apply a topical numbing gel to the affected area.

What should I do about a chipped, broken, or cracked tooth?

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Even if the damage to your tooth appears to be minor, give us a call so we can help guide you on the next steps, and to see if your chipped tooth requires immediate treatment. When you arrive at Healthy Smiles Dentistry, your Fairfax dentist will perform an emergency dental service exam to determine the severity of the damage. If a broken or cracked tooth is left untreated, it is at risk for infection and other complications.

What should I do about a loose tooth?

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If you experience any form of oral trauma that causes one or more of your teeth to become loose, call our office immediately for a same-day appointment. When your tooth is loose, it's incredibly important to get proper care right away, as the nerves that run through and support your tooth could die and lead to losing the tooth entirely. If you are experiencing severe swelling or having difficulty breathing, please visit the closest ER instead of waiting to see the emergency dentist.

Once your visit is scheduled, try to keep the tooth as stable as possible, and avoid touching the loose tooth with your tongue or fingers, as this can lead to further damage and increase the risk of infection. At your emergency appointment, your dentist will apply a splint that stabilizes the tooth by attaching it to the adjacent teeth, providing support and allowing the tooth to heal and reattach to your gums.

Did you know…

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If left untreated, a tooth infection can spread to other parts of your body and cause issues that impact your overall health.

Need emergency dental care in Fairfax?

Call (703) 915-7330 Now!

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