Dentures in Fairfax

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable teeth that are used to restore the smile and functionality of the teeth after tooth loss. They are a solution for minor to severe tooth loss and are much more affordable, accessible, and a quick solution compared to other tooth restoration methods like dental implants

Dentures are artificial gums and teeth that can be placed in your mouth and taken out with ease. This helps patients eat the foods they love, speak more clearly, and smile with a full set of teeth. Contact us at Healthy Smiles Dentistry today to schedule a consultation in Fairfax.

dentures in Fairfax, VA

Did you know…

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Partial dentures can last for up to 15 years.

Ready to book a consultation in Fairfax?

Call (703) 915-7330 today!

The Denture Placement process

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Dr. Doshi will need to assess each candidate’s eligibility for dentures by ensuring they’re in good oral health. This is done through oral exams and digital x-rays.

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If a patient is getting a full denture, the remaining teeth need to be extracted. This is done under a local anesthetic and is completely painless. It takes 8 to 12 weeks for the gums to heal before the patient can be fitted for their official dentures.

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Physical impressions or digital scans are taken of the mouth and sent to a dental lab in charge of denture fabrication. It takes 6 weeks to 3 months to fabricate a denture. In the meantime, you will receive immediate temporary dentures to restore your smile.

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Once your dentures have been set in wax, we’ll call you in for a trial fitting to test the fit, feel, and appearance of your dentures at our Fairfax dental office. Adjustments will be made as necessary.

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Final Fitting

It’s normal to need a few adjustments before your dentures are just right. Once all adjustments have been made, you’ll come back to our Fairfax office for a final fitting and receive your official dentures.

Types Of Dentures We Provide in Fairfax

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Partial dentures or partials fill the space where one or a few missing teeth used to be. These teeth are like bridges except their removability makes them easier to clean and they can fill in gaps on both sides of the mouth simultaneously. A partial denture restores the aesthetic harmony of the smile and prevents teeth from shifting.


A full denture is most commonly used to treat severe tooth loss when a patient is already missing most of their teeth. We don’t recommend getting a full denture for a patient who is only missing a few teeth, because the rest of the teeth in the arch need to be extracted before a full denture can be placed. 

If you only have missing teeth on one arch, then you can replace one arch of teeth with a full denture. However, it can also replace both arches of teeth. After extractions, you will be given a temporary denture to help you eat and speak until your gums heal in 2 to 3 months.

Did you know…

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Full dentures have a lifespan of 7 to 10 years but could need to be replaced sooner if bone resorption causes changes to your facial structure.

Have questions about Dentures? Find answers here.

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Am I A Good Candidate For Dentures? 

Most people are good candidates for dentures, even if they have previously had gum disease or suffer from bone loss. Patients who are ineligible for dental implants often make great candidates for dentures. 

If you are missing more than one tooth, a partial denture from our Fairfax practice can offer you flexibility, ease of use, and fill in gaps in your smile. Extensive tooth loss can be treated with a full denture without requiring invasive surgery, long treatment, or steep costs.

How To Care For New Dentures

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It can take up to a month to get used to a new set of dentures. During this time, you may experience increased saliva production, sound louder than normal, feel discomfort and sore gums, and need to stick to a soft-food diet. 

In the long term, however, dentures are relatively easy to care for. You should clean them twice a day with denture cleaner and a soft bristle toothbrush, soak them in denture solution overnight, and avoid exposing them to hot water.

How soon can I get dentures after my teeth are pulled?

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The timeline for getting dentures after tooth extraction depends on the type of denture you choose. There are mainly two types: immediate and conventional dentures. 

Immediate dentures, as the name suggests, are prepared before your teeth are extracted and can be worn as soon as the extraction procedure is over. The advantage of immediate dentures is that you won't have to go without teeth for any period of time. However, as your gums and mouth tissues heal, they shrink, so immediate dentures may require more adjustments and refitting over time compared to conventional dentures.

On the other hand, conventional dentures are made after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has started to heal. This process typically takes 4-6 weeks. The advantage of conventional dentures is that they generally fit better in the long run because they are molded to your mouth after the swelling from the extractions has subsided.

The choice between immediate and conventional dentures is something you should discuss with Dr. Ridhi Shah at Healthy Smiles Dentistry. She will guide you through the process based on your specific needs and circumstances.

What is the cost of dentures?

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The cost of dentures can vary significantly depending on several factors including the type of dentures, the material used, the complexity of the case, and the region where you live. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $800 to $1500 per arch for complete dentures. 

However, it's important to remember that most dental insurance plans cover some or all of the cost of dentures. If you are uninsured or concerned about the cost, talk to the team at Healthy Smiles Dentistry. They can help you understand your payment options and may be able to suggest affordable solutions.

What can dentures fix?

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Dentures can fix a wide range of issues related to missing teeth. Here are a few key benefits:

1. Improved Aesthetics: Dentures can replace missing teeth and restore your smile, helping you feel more confident and attractive. 

2. Enhanced Speech: Missing teeth can make it difficult to pronounce certain words. Dentures can help improve speech clarity.

3. Better Chewing Ability: Dentures can make it easier to chew food, improving your nutrition and overall health.

4. Facial Support: When you lose teeth, it can cause your facial muscles to sag, making you look older. Dentures provide the necessary support to maintain the natural shape of your face.

5. Prevention of Further Dental Problems: Dentures can help prevent shifting of remaining teeth, bite problems, and other dental issues that can occur when you have missing teeth.

Remember, it's important to discuss your specific needs and expectations with Dr. Shah. She can provide more information on how dentures can help improve your oral health and quality of life.

Did you know…

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Even if you have no teeth, you should brush the soft tissues in your mouth with a soft bristle toothbrush to prevent gum disease.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (703) 915-7330 to schedule today

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