Crowns & Bridges in Fairfax

What Are Crowns And Bridges?

Crowns and bridges are two related procedures that are used to restore damaged or missing teeth. A crown is basically a false tooth that covers up and protects your remaining tooth structure. A bridge uses two crowns. These attach to two healthy teeth and suspend one or more “pontics”(false teeth) to fill up a gap in your smile due to a missing tooth. Dental crowns and bridges are considered both cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry. If you have damaged or missing teeth, a crown or bridge from Dr. Doshi at Healthy Smiles Dentistry in Fairfax may be right for you.

Dental crowns in Fairfax

Did you know…

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Dental crowns and bridges are made of porcelain, which looks and feels just like natural tooth enamel. Your new teeth will fit into your mouth perfectly, and give you a bright and beautiful smile.

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How Does The Crowns & Bridges Process Work?

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First, you'll come into our office for a quick consultation with Dr. Doshi. She will examine your mouth and determine if dental crowns or bridges are right for your needs. Every patient is different, so you may have alternative options like fillings , dental implants, and more.

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Tooth Prep & Crown/Bridge Fitting

If you are approved for a dental crown or bridge, you'll come back for another appointment. Dr. Doshi will clean and numb your mouth. Then, she will remove material from one or more of your teeth to prepare for your dental crown or bridge. This helps provide your crowns with a stable fit, and allows Dr. Doshi to remove any damaged or unhealthy tooth material, too.

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Building Your Crown or Bridge

Dr. Doshi will take images and impressions of your teeth, then send you home with a temporary crown or bridge. She will then work with a dental lab to build your permanent dental crown or bridge, which will be sent to our Fairfax office in about 2-3 weeks.

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Crown Or Bridge Placement

Once your final crown or bridge arrives, you'll come back for your last appointment with your dentist in Fairfax. She'll remove your temporary crown or bridge, then check the fit of your permanent prosthetic. She'll make any necessary adjustments, then bond the crown or bridge in place with powerful dental cement. Then, she'll give you some instructions on how to care for your new smile and send you home.

Have questions about Crowns & Bridges? Find answers here.

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Is A Crown Or Bridge Right For Me?

A porcelain crown is usually the right choice for patients who have a damaged tooth, a deep cavity, or who have gotten root canal therapy for a tooth infection. Dental crowns are durable, long-lasting, and strong. They cover up your remaining tooth material and prevent further complications.

Bridges are recommended from our Fairfax office if you've lost a tooth, particularly if you've lost a row of 2 or more teeth. They are a cost-effective and simple way to restore your missing teeth. They are less expensive than dental implants , in most cases, and are more durable and convenient when compared to partial dentures. 

How Long Do Crowns and Bridges Last?

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Dental crowns can easily last 15-20 years or more with proper care. They're extremely durable and long-lasting. Bridges don't usually last quite as long, with an expected lifespan of 10-15 years. Proper dental care is critical for protecting your new dental work, so follow all of Dr. Doshi's instructions on proper crown and bridge care.

Caring For New Crowns Or Bridges

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You can treat a porcelain crown just like a natural tooth. Brush twice a day, floss once a day, and come to Healthy Smiles Dentistry for a checkup every 6 months in Fairfax . Lifestyle choices like eating a healthy diet and avoiding smoking/tobacco use can also help prolong your crown's lifespan.

Bridges are pretty much the same. However, you will need to clean below the bridge to remove food debris and bacteria. You can use a special type of floss or an interdental brush to clean below your bridge. This helps keep the gum tissue below your bridge healthy.

Cost of Dental Crowns

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The price of porcelain crowns varies depending on the type of dental crown. Zirconia dental crowns are the most expensive type of dental crown and could cost you $1,000 to $3,000 per dental crown. Resin crowns, on the other hand, are the most affordable at only $300 to $600 per tooth. Ceramic, porcelain fused to metal, and metal crowns can cost $500 to $3,000 per tooth.

It's also worth noting that replacement dental crowns cost less than first-time dental crowns because the former involves less work and preparation. Dental crowns typically cost more in prime locations like big cities to offset the rent prices. Crown procedures requiring prior treatment also cost more than those that don't.

It's also worth noting that most dental insurance providers cover dental crown treatments only if medically necessary.

Cost of Dental Bridges

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Dental bridges cost between $1,500 to $5,000, depending on the type of dental bridge and other factors. A 3-unit dental bridge can cost between $2,500 to $4,000 and $1,300 for every extra tooth. A 3-unit implant-supported bridge, on the other hand, can cost $5,500.

The cost of dental bridges also varies with the number of missing teeth; the more missing teeth you have, the higher the cost of the dental crowns. Metal-based bridges are the least expensive, while porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM)l bridges are the most expensive type but are also the most durable and can last a lifetime with proper care.

Patients that require additional work may pay more for their dental bridges. This additional work may include treatment for dental decay or gum disease. Some patients might also require root canals to address their severe dental tooth decay, which adds to the final tab.

Benefits of Crowns and Bridges

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Dental crowns and bridges are important for restoring the functionality of missing or damaged teeth. In doing so, patients can chew and bite a greater variety of foods. For missing teeth, crowns and bridges can help improve articulation and the pronunciation of certain sounds like “f”, “v”, and “th.”

Another benefit of these dental restorations is enhancing aesthetics. Broken and missing teeth can be an eyesore, but crowns and bridges can repair or replace them to give you a perfect smile. This not only boosts your confidence but also opens you up to opportunities you would otherwise be too self-conscious to take.

Crowns and bridges are also important for maintaining your jawbone's structural integrity. You see, missing teeth cause the deterioration of the jawbone because of a lack of pressure to stimulate its growth. Bridges and crowns replace missing teeth to exert pressure on the jaw bone and prevent its deterioration.

Lastly, crowns and bridges are extremely durable and mimic the natural appearance of your teeth. They can last for several years provided you take care of them as per the dentist's instructions. Call today for our dental services in Fairfax, VA. 

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